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In our family we call it ”turtling”, you may call it something different in yours. No matter , I think someone in our family has been guilty of it!

Turtling is when we want to “get away” or ”hide” from our life. Sometimes it may feel like you just can’t get out of bed or you don’t want to talk to anyone or you just wish you could get in the car and drive and not stop. Sometimes the feeling is so deep and dark, you may just wish you weren’t on the planet anymore. When that feeling is so deep and dark, some may call that depression. Depression cannot be managed alone and you should seek out help right away if that feeling controls you and becomes more consistent than not OR if you have high highs and low lows, then you should reach out right away for help: 1-800=662-4357

I’m also NOT talking about the turtling of a penis or any private parts at all. Yes, that is a thing.

When I talk about turtling, I’m talking about a social emotional break from your everyday life. It can be the start of depression or it can be a result of stress, trauma or pain within one’s life. Everyone needs a break from life, the problem is when it is triggered from the stress, trauma or pain within one’s life. It generally means you have something you need to deal with BEFORE your turtling becomes a BREAKING POINT. Breaking points are hard to get over and can lead to more pain, more stress and more trauma. SO why not take a break- when you turtle- and begin to heal yourself.

Let’s talk more about that. You know what “turtling” looks like for you and everyone’s “turtling” may be different. It’s that stay in bed day, that stare at the TV all day, that I have to get out of here day……. No matter how it looks to you, it’s important to acknowledge the WHY it is that you are turtling. That is the beginning. For example, I recently visited my dad. It is extremely stressful and triggers so many emotions. It’s not an easy situation. When I return home, I want to spend the entire next day in bed. I feel my body and my brain shutting down. But then I ask myself- WHY- and then I answer……… my father left me with many physical and emotional scars. I calmly let my brain remember a few of them and then I control that brain by saying STOP- now you are not that person anymore. Let’s look at that little girl and the woman she is today. I am not that little girl. I am strong- I am enough. It gives me the courage to get up out of bed. As I move through my day- my mantra stays close by- I am not that little girl, I will not allow his damage to control me, I am strong, I am brave and I am enough. If you know anything about me, then you know how important it is to be able to control your thoughts, your brain (See other blog posts).

As the day goes on, I still feel that sense of fleeing, but then it becomes less and less. I acknowledge the pain- I do not bury it. I feel the strength I have- I know and acknowledge what I have overcome and what I bring to the future. I answer the questions: when did I become who I am today….. what do I have to offer to others…… how have I given back,,,,,,, who am I,,,,,,,,,,,,, where will tomorrow lead me…………who is in my life that supports and loves me and counts on me………..

These questions offer us a purpose to move forward- to break out of our turtling. If you find these questions hard to find answers to, then let’s discover the answers together. They are in there and we need to get to them before your breaking point.

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