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What stops life? FEAR!


Do you always feel like, "if I could just find peace?" We often feel like that when we are overwhelmed, people are asking a lot from us or we do not feel grounded. Feeling grounded or feeling like we have a handle on things is an important part of us coming to a feeling of peace.

For the purpose of this blog: when I say feeling grounded it also means that we are in control or have a handle on the life we lead. People use many vehicles to find a sense of feeling grounded and then hoping it leads to peace. People use religion, education, a big-time job title or a certain position in a career to help them FEEL grounded. What happens sometimes is that these can also cause them to be unsettled, undue stress and cause complications within their life.

People can also use behavior to feel grounded. Such as when people put other people down, question other's beliefs or decisions. They do this to validate themselves, to feel better about themselves and in return hopefully feeling grounded. People can use passive aggressiveness, submissiveness, authoritativeness and even sex to control situations to help them feel grounded and helping them find a sense of peace.

What we do not realize is that none of this leads us to being grounded OR finding the peace we so desperately need. The one and only thing that stands in the way of that is.... FEAR. Fear of looking deeply at ourselves, finding out what in our lives that has made us feel ungrounded. The "why" if you will. That is the only way to actually find that groundedness we all so desire because looking deep into ourselves, our lives and our choices is scary. We must acknowledge decisions, people, and choices we have made as not being so great. Sometimes this is coming to the realization that the people we love are also the people causing harm or who have caused harm. That is a hard realization to come to and that dealing with that is not easy! It takes work. It is much easier to seek out religion, go back to school or take that job promotion and bury that other stuff deep inside us!

Until we dig it back out, deal with that "other stuff" you will always be on the path to seeking peace and wondering why you cannot seem to find. it. The good news? You do not have to do it alone!

*Please note that I am not saying that the items listed above are items people always use as a vehicle to lead to peace- that they might use is in this way!

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