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Your Brain is a Powerful Tool -


There is so much to talk about when we talk about our brains, but today we are going to talk about “brain talk”. Brain talk is so powerful that there are therapies specifically focused on it and an entire curriculum written to teach people about it. So, what is it?

Let Courage Coach simplify it for you, To put it as simply as possible, it is that little voice in your head that sometimes serves you well and at other times does NOT. And yet, we tend to listen to that little voice, more often than not, even when it doesn’t serve us AT ALL. It seems to come down to some decision making skills (perhaps without that little voice).

Making decisions, back in the day, seemed easy. There were two choices- good and bad. Then there are consequences attached to those choices. Then we simply accept those consequences. So what’s the problem? Seems pretty easy. The problems exist when you make a bad/poor choice and there is NO consequences attached. You get away with it! That will then encourage more poor choices and some people even get a rush for “getting away with it” creating the problem of you making good choices all the time. OH, if we could all just make good choices……..

The other problem is that there is SO much that goes into decision making such as: feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories, experience, acceptance and judgements just to name a few. A few? Oh, I’m sure there are more. When we are faced with those decisions, whether critical or not, that little voice chimes in to give its own “two cents”.

That is how Brain Talk curriculum and therapy, mindfulness, living in the moment and other “right now” tricks of the trade have developed over time. Teaching us to control our thoughts, emotions and that little voice so we can make good competent decisions that are always in our best interest. And it’s good stuff! That’s how it should be done anyway, right? And yet we are all here, thinking about those awful decisions we have made in our lives.

However, today is a new day and so we get a fresh start. Start? Where does one even start? Well, you cannot do anything until you start with you. Over time we have an image/a feeling of who we are and it started the day we were born. We were told how we looked, how we should or should not feel, who we were like this or that, what made girls different from boys, what expectations we needed to meet and so much more. So let’s do some simple things to help you get started and to quiet that little voice. You will need too begin to get in touch with YOU!

-First, you must forgive your past you! Get a picture of you from your past. Tell that picture that you forgive you. That you are going to be ok!

-Look at you and understnd YOU are NOT your mother or your father. You are you. You may have some characteristics from them, some you like, some you don’t BUT you are a new completely new and awesome person. The characteristics you got from your parents were learned and you can relearn new ones- different ones.

-You are not mama’s little boy or daddy’s little girl. You are your own person with your own thoughts and feelings, ideas and dreams. It is time to let that go and be you. Sit down and make a list to answer these questions.

*What do I believe?

*What do I want?

*What do I NEED to do?

*Who am I?

- Now look at that you in the mirror and tell that you that the past is the past and today is a new you. The decisions you made in the past DO NOT DEFINE YOU.but today and tomorrow will.

-Identify the help you need to move forward being this new you. Do you need a candid conversation with someone? Do you need to seperate yourself from a toxic person or environment? Do you need financial help? Do you need emotional help? Do you need a friend? No matter what is on your list, you can get what you need. Most communities have resources for all of the above. For example, there are homes where you can go to get away from abusers, organizations that help with food and bills, nonprofits that can help with life coaches/counseling. But first you have to WANT it.

Doing all of this changes the negative images or feelings we have about ourselves into a more positive image or feeling. We do a great job of calling ourselves names or putting ourselves down and not enough lifting ourselves up. So if we start looking at ourselves positively, realizing that at ALL times WE ARE ENOUGH and whatever we get “done” today is OK we start to quiet that negative voice!! That voice that says, you aren’t good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or skinny enough….. whatever your little voice says remember to tell it to STOP! That YOU are in control because you have done all the steps listed above! You are in control of your brain and you! It is time to start living positively. Oh, I know it’s easier said than done. That’s why you have to identify what you “need” to get it done. But you have to really want it!!

So I guess the question is….. do you want to quiet that voice in your head and become the new and wonderful you? Are you ready to make good decisions that are in your best interest? Then let’s start by changing the way your brain talks to YOU!!

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